VCatch Antivirus Basic

Fiche technique

Catégorie: Anti-Virus
Editeur: MinuteGroup

Configuration minimale: Windows NT/95/98/2000/ME/XP

Licence: Freeware (Gratuit)
Langue: LANGUE

Taille: 1.6 Mo

Temps du téléchargement:
   en 56 Kb/s : 0h4m16s
   en 512 Kb/s : 0h0m26s
   en 1024 Kb/s : 0h0m13s
   en 2048 Kb/s : 0h0m6s
   en 5096 Kb/s : 0h0m3s

Téléchargé: 2249 fois


Descriptif VirusTraQ:

Vcatch protège de l'intrusion de virus transmis par courrier électronique (MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora et Netscape Messenger)ou d'autres applications de partage de fichiers via l'Internet (Napster, ICQ, Gnutella, Internet explorer ou Netscape Navigator).

Descriptif éditeur:

vCatch is a fast anti-virus application that also recognizes Trojans and worms. vCatch implements an advanced Malicious Application Detection system, based on a sophisticated and flexible rules engine that scans all incoming files for predefined characteristics.

With vCatch you can set your preferred security level and options for notification of suspect files that try to enter your system.

vCatch ensures that you are protected from all known viruses, Trojans and worms as well as from anonymous, malicious applications.

vCatch is innovative because it cooperates with anti-virus programs already installed on your compute. The conflict-free harmony with other installed security software ensures that vCatch enhances existing security packages through the special features and extra virus coverage lacking in other systems.